Dwarves of Mid-Nor

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Dwarves of Mid-Nor



Aarklash Universe Book

Cry Havoc

Demonic Technology (CH3)

The Trinity of the Abyss (CH5)

The Colonies of Mid-Nor (CH14)

Faction Overview

Strategy: Mid-Nor Army Guide (CH9)

Thematic Army Pack

The Colonies of Mid-Nor Collapse
The Colonies of Mid-Nor
The Colony of Ephorath


Dwarves of Mid-Nor Gallery


Unit Base Points Type Rank Incarnation Abilities Reserved Artifacts Reserved Spells / Miracles Capacities / Explanatory Notes
Akaranseth 84 Warrior Mid-Nor Veteran Champion Possessed

Loyal / 1


War Fury

The Scourge of the Despot
Akkadhalet 48 Mage Mid-Nor Initiate Champion Possessed

Initiate of Darkness / Chthonian

Akkadhalet 55 Mage Mid-Nor Adept Champion 2nd Possessed

Adept of Darkness and Earth / Chthonian, Corruption

2nd Incarnation Card Pack Vol 1
Araqsalil the Skinner 43 Warrior Mid-Nor Regular Champion Possessed

Leadership / 10

Araqsalil the Skinner 60 Warrior Mid-Nor Veteran Champion 2nd Possessed

Leadership / 10


2nd Incarnation Card Pack Vol 2
Asturath the Destroyer 139 Warrior Mid-Nor Creature Champion

Colony of Ephorath


Loyal / 1

Born Killer

Implacable / 2

Large size

Cry Havoc #4

No model

Azahir the Mad 45 Warrior Mid-Nor Regular Champion Possessed

Mutagenic / 0

Ensaïl's Doll Azahir's Scenario
Esikaïl, Scourge Bearer 51 Warrior Mid-Nor Veteran Champion Possessed


Leadership / 10

Rag'Narok box
Ezalyth, Queen of the Damned 95 Mage Mid-Nor Warrior-Mage Champion

Colony of Ephorath

Survival Instinct


War Fury

Initiate of Darkness / Corruption



Mirror of Betrayal Court of the Abyss box
Kanizhar the Cannibal 68 Warrior Mid-Nor Special Champion Possessed

Survival Instinct

Toxic / 3

The Mask of the Torturer The Larva of the Ymsur Incubuses of the Despot box
Kelzaral the Diabolical 82 Faithful Mid-Nor Zealot Champion Possessed

Faithful of Mid-Nor / 15

Regerenation / 5


The Stone of Gwalgâl Chaplain of the Chasms
Mahal the Enchanter 70 Mage Mid-Nor Adept Champion Possessed

Regeneration / 5

Adept of Darkness and Water / Chthonian, Cabala

Additional Limb

Waking of Horrors
Nerân the Scary 35 Faithful Mid-Nor Devout Champion Possessed

Faithful of Mid-Nor / 10

The Pelisse of the Humble
Nilarakh the Evildoer 43 Warrior Mid-Nor Regular Champion Possessed

Leadership / 10

The Devouring Scythe War-Staff of the Abyss box
Yh-Azahir the Mad 75 Warrior Mid-Nor Elite Champion 2nd Possessed

Mutagenic / 0


2nd Incarnation Card Pack Vol 2
Yh-Ibenseth, Dominant 137 Warrior Mid-Nor Elite Champion

Colony of Ibenseth



Leadership / 15

Implacable / 1


Tentacular Appendices

The Mask of the Torturer

Yh-Karas, King of the Abyss 115 Warrior Mid-Nor Elite Champion

Colony of Ephorath


Leadership / 15

Bane / Leadership

Master Strike / 5


The Crown of Conquerors Court of the Abyss box
Yh-Sabahal, Dominant 320 Warrior Mid-Nor Living-Legend Champion Possessed

Leadership / 30

Brutish Charge

Implacable / 1


Born Killer

Large size

Sefhrà the Demonic

The Armor of the Enslaved

The Scourge Doll

The Winged Fury Yh-Sabahal, the Winged Fury box
Yh-Vangghor, Dominant 138 Warrior Mid-Nor Elite Shadow Possessed


Regeneration / 5


Brutish Charge

Travel Journals 4 Card Pack
Ysilthan, Bishop of Ymsur 56 Faithful Mid-Nor Devout Champion

Colony of Ephorath




Faithful of Mid-Nor / 10

The Crosier of Ymsur Castling

The Bishop's Diagonal

The Accursed Deacon Court of the Abyss box


Words about the troops.

Unit Base Points Models per Blister or Box Abilities Reserved Artifacts Reserved Spells / Miracles Capacities / Explanatory Notes
Castle of Desolation 39 1 (box) Possessed The Castles of Desolation

Colony of Ephorath

Court of the Abyss box
Chthonian Larva 1 54 1 Possessed

Immunity / Fear

Regeneration / 5

Cure / 4

The Chthonian Larvae
Chthonian Larva 2 54 1
Collector of Mid-Nor 1 25 1 Possessed

War Fury


Faithful of Mid-Nor / 10

Demonic Strength

Resurrection of the Possessed

The Collectors of Mid-Nor

The Despot's Eviscerators

Collector of Mid-Nor 2 25 1
Crusader of the Abyss 28 No model Possessed


Ibenseth Colonies of Mid-Nor Card Pack
Cyclops of Mid-Nor 81 1 (box) Possessed

Loyal / 1


Implacable / 1

The Eye of the Abyss Cyclops of Mid-Nor box
Demon Tower 120 1 (box) Possessed


Regeneration / 5

Demon Tower box
Demonic Satyr 18 3 (box) Possessed


Survival Instinct

The Demonic Satyrs Yh-Sabahal, the Winged Fury box
Fire-Spitter of Mid-Nor 1 29 1 Possessed
Fire-Spitter of Mid-Nor 2 29 1
Gallows Bearer of Mid-Nor 12 1 Possessed

Leadership / 10

The Gallows of Torment
Halberdier of Mid-Nor 8 3 Possessed
Hydra of Mid-Nor 600 1 (box) Being of Darkness / 2

Born Killer



Implacable / 3


Regeneration / 4

Sequence / 2

Tails of Maws


Hydra Charge

Many Heads

The Hydra of Mid-Nor


Cool Mini or Not sculpt/release

Only added for preservation


Immortal of Darkness

Hydra Warrior 32 3 Possessed


Implacable / 1

Incubus of the Despot 1 25 4 (box) Possessed

Survival Instinct

Toxic / 2

The Hybrids of the Abyss Incubuses of the Despot box
Incubus of the Despot 2 25
Knight of Ruin 27 1 (box) Possessed


Normal Size

The Knights of Ruin

Colony of Ephorath

Court of the Abyss box
Lost Warrior 13 No Model Possessed

Medium Size

Azahir Colonies of Mid-Nor Card Pack
Master of Puppets 1 24 1 Possessed

Survival Instinct


Initiate of Darkness / Corruption

The Despot's Puppeteers

The Masters of Puppets

Master of Puppets 2 24 1
Musician of the Abyss 15 1 (box) Possessed

Leadership / 10

War-Staff of the Abyss box
Organist of Mid-Nor 12 1 Possessed

Leadership / 10

Plague-Stricken Moloch 90 2 (box) Possessed

Alliance / Meanders of Darkness

Being of Darkness / 2


Initiate of Darkness / Typhonism


The Plague-Stricken Molochs Grimoire: Typhonism

Molochs box

Prowler of the Abyss 1 31 1 Possessed

Implacable / 1


Prowler of the Abyss 2 31 1 Possessed

Brutish Charge


Prowler of the Abyss 3 31 1 Possessed

War Fury


Reaper of Mid-Nor 1 13 2 Possessed



Reaper of Mid-Nor 2 13 2
Reaper of Mid-Nor 3 13 2
Scourge Bearer 1 18 2 Possessed


The Scourges of Mid-Nor
Scourge Bearer 2 18 2
Sentinel of Mid-Nor 21 3 Possessed


VPC Sentinel of Mid-Nor
Sentinel of the Abyss 21 No model Possessed

Implacable / 1

VPC Sentinel of the Abyss

Warriors of the Rag'Narok Card Pack

Skinner of Mid-Nor 1 10 4 (box) Possessed

Devotion / 1

Colony of Ephorath VPC Skinner of Mid-Nor 1

Court of the Abyss box

Skinner of Mid-Nor 2 10 Possessed

Martyr / 1

VPC Skinner of Mid-Nor 2

Court of the Abyss box

Son of the Hydra 32 No model Possessed


Faithful of Mid-Nor / 10

Regeneration / 5

The Sons of the Hydra Colonies of Mid-Nor Card Pack
Standard Bearer of the Abyss 15 1 (box) Possessed

Leadership / 10

War-Staff of the Abyss box
Veteran of the Abyss 16 3 (box) Possessed


War-Staff of the Abyss box
Warrior of Mid-Nor 8 3 Possessed
Warrior of the Abyss 1 10 3 Possessed VPC Warrior of the Abyss
Warrior of the Abyss 2 10 8 (box) Warriors of the Abyss box
Warrior of the Abyss 3 10
Warrior of the Abyss 4 10


Artifacts that came with blisters that are not reserved

Cyclopean Doll

Demonic Ring

Doll of Escape

Doll of Servitude

Scimitar of the Abyss

Staff of the Puppeteer

Talisman of the Hydra-God

Troll Skin



Miracles that came with blisters that are not reserved

Enchantment of the Doll

Gambit of the Dolls

Mind of the Hydra

Rage of the Despot

Song of the Possessed

Summoning of the Reapers (1)

Summoning of the Reapers (2)

The Demon's Claws

The Despot's Gaze


Spells that came with blisters that are not reserved

Demonic Possession

Gall of the Possessed

Greedy Doll

Hemorrhage of Darkness

Hand of the Puppeteer (1)

Hand of the Puppeteer (2)

Internal Chaos

Laceration of Wounds


Minor Disembodiment


Orgy of the Bloodthirsty

Sacrifice of the Doll

Sacrificial Implosion

The Heir of the Hydra

Pestilence (Ritual)

Grimoire: Typhonism

Experience Cards

Experience cards that came with blisters for Confrontation 2nd edition

Ephorath's Chosen One


The Despot's Eyes

The Despot's Pawns

Ymsur's Favor

Scenario Cards

Campaigns and adventures that came with blisters for Confrontation 2nd edition

Azahir's Scenario


  • User Sweet has the largest known Mid-Nor collection in the world.