Minor Disembodiment
Ezalyth and a handful of her followers were holding a whole flank of the battlefield on their own. The enemy reinforcements arrived without respite, but the Puppeteer drew the power needed for his diabolical spells from his own kind...
Path: Corruption
Range: 10 cm
Difficulty: Target's FEAR
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Frequency: 1
Intensity: 2
A.P.: 10
This spell can only be cast onto a befriended Mid-Nor fighter having the Possessed ability.
He loses the Possessed ability until the end of the round and the demonic spirit living in him momentarily enters the Magician's body. Invested with this new strength, the latter immediately gains one Gem of Darkness. Additionally, during the next Mana Recovery Roll a result of 1 isn't an automatic failure.