Summoning of the Reapers

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Summoning of the Reapers
Summoning of the Reapers 2 (FR)
Summoning of the Reapers 2 (EN)

Version 1

After the destruction of their host, the spirits of the demons of Mid-Nor are condemned to roam in the depths of the Earth until the Despot's powers are strong enough to let them materialize physically. Then formidable legions of demons will swarm onto Aarklash.

Fervor: 3

C./A./D.: 1/0/0

Cult: Mid-Nor

Difficulty: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Range: 10 cm

Duration: Until end of game

A.P.: 12

The Faithful chooses the number of Reapers that he would like to summon. This miracle's Difficulty is equal to 4 + 2 per Reaper summoned. Once this miracle has been Called successfully, the Reaper appears at Level 0 within 10 cm of the Faithful. All Reapers summoned by the Faithful depend on his Reference card. They are thus activated at the same time as him. If the faithful is removed from the Battleground, then his card is used to designate the summoned Reapers.

Version 2


Fervor: 2

C./A./D.: 0/0/1

Cult: Mid-Nor

Difficulty: 6

Area of Effect: Special

Range: Special

Duration: Instantaneous

A.P.: 12
