Rage of the Despot
The Depsot's mind of course lives in all of the Possessed of the Abyss, yet not always with the same intensity.
With the right prayers the Strength of his receptacle can be increased tenfold.
Fervor: 2
C./A./D.: 1/1/0
Cult: Mid-Nor
Difficulty: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Range: 15 cm
Duration: Until end of round
A.P.: 7
Rage of the Despot can target a friendly Mid-Nor fighter, who then benefit from Sequence / 1 until the end of the round. If he already has Sequence / X, then the first additional die that he acquires thanks to this ability only costs him one point in ATT and DEF instead of two.
The collector can discard a "Collection" counter from his reserve right before calling Rage of the Despot. If the call is heard, then the target also benefits from +1 ATT and DEF until the end of the round in addition to the previously mentioned advantages.