Baron Ozöhn
MOV: 20
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 5 / 8
AIM: 4
COU: 3
DIS: 5
Equipment: Noble sword. Ströhm armor. Musket / STR 8, range 5-10-30. Giant rat.
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 10>. <Personal enemy / Kaël the Irascible>. <Survival Instinct>. <War-Horse>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion.
Cost: 100 AP
2nd Inc (Drawn)
MOV: 20
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 6
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: 4
COU: 5
DIS: 5
Equipment: Naphta blunderbuss / STR 7 + 1D6, range 10-20-40. Carburetor.
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Harassment>. <Leadership / 15>. <Personal Enemy / Kaël the Irascible>. <Survival Instinct>. <War-Horse>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation.
Cost: 120 AP
2nd Inc (Foot)
MOV: 10
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: 4
COU: 5
DIS: 5
"I prefer moving targets. Now run!"
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 15>. <Survival Instinct>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation.
Cost: 70 AP
2nd Inc (Rider)
MOV: 20
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: 4
COU: 5
DIS: 5
"I'm going to give you ten seconds! One, two, seven..."
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 15>. <Leap>. <Survival Instinct>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation.
Cost: 105 AP
Included in blister (February 1999)
Included in Baron Ozöhn box (September 2005)
Baron Ozöhn (2nd Inc drawn) was released with no other cards in 2nd Incarnation Card Pack vol 2.
Baron Ozöhn has an appearance in the Cry Havoc lore exerpt The Art of War.