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A fighter endowed with this ability can make up to two leaps during any movement made in the activation phase. Though it is an active ability, Leap can be used by a fighter in rout. A fighter can make a leap during a pursuit movement only if he hasn’t already made two leaps in the round.

When making a leap, a fighter can fully ignore the presence of certain obstacles (elements of the scenery or other fighters) and move over them without any penalties, depending on his Size.

  1. Clearable Height
    Other fighters: A fighter can leap over miniatures of his Size or smaller.
    Elements of the Scenery: The clearable height of elements of the scenery is evaluated in centimeters depending on the Size of the fighter who is leaping:
    • Small Size: 2 cm
    • Medium Size: 3 cm
    • Large Size: 5 cm
    • Enormous: 10 cm
    • Colossal: 15 cm
    • Gigantic: 20 cm
  2. Clearable Distance An obstacle can be leapt over in only two cases:
    • The distance to be cleared by the leap over the obstacle is shorter than the MOV of the fighter who is leaping (MOV / 2 when making a pursuit movement).
    • The fighter can get a foothold on top of the obstacle (to do so, the obstacle’s surface must be at least as big as his base).
      In any other situation it is impossible to leap.
      Leaping over an obstacle must never bring the fighter to exceed his movement potential. If this should happen, then his movement ends in front of the obstacle.