Baron Ozöhn
MOV: 20
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 5 / 8
AIM: 4
COU: 3
DIS: 5
Equipment: Noble sword. Ströhm armor. Musket / STR 8, range 5-10-30. Giant rat.
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 10>. <Personal enemy / Kaël the Irascible>. <Survival Instinct>. <War-Horse>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion.
Cost: 100 AP
2nd Inc (Drawn)
MOV: 20
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 6
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: 4
COU: 5
DIS: 5
Equipment: Naphta blunderbuss / STR 7 + 1D6, range 10-20-40. Carburetor.
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Harassment>. <Leadership / 15>. <Personal Enemy / Kaël the Irascible>. <Survival Instinct>. <War-Horse>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation.
Cost: 120 AP
2nd Inc (Foot)
MOV: 10
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: 4
COU: 5
DIS: 5
"I prefer moving targets. Now run!"
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 15>. <Survival Instinct>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation.
Cost: 70 AP
2nd Inc (Rider)
MOV: 20
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: 4
COU: 5
DIS: 5
"I'm going to give you ten seconds! One, two, seven..."
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 15>. <Leap>. <Survival Instinct>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation.
Cost: 105 AP
Included in blister (February 1999)
Included in Baron Ozöhn box (September 2005)
Baron Ozöhn 2nd Inc (Drawn) card was released in the 2nd Incarnation Card Pack vol 2.