MOV: 10
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 6 / 7
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: -
COU: 5
DIS: 5
"I am your last opponent."
Equipment: Battle mace. Ströhm armor. Wild grin.
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Leadership / 15>. <Survival Instinct>. (<Artifact / 2>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion
Cost: 75 AP
Becbunzen, Ströhm Warrior
MOV: 10
INI: 6
ATT/STR: 7 / 7
DEF/RES: 6 / 9
AIM: -
COU: 5
DIS: 5
Equipment: Naphta powered Ströhm weapon / STR.
Abilities: <Fanaticism>. <Implacable / 2>. <Leadership / 15>. <Ruthless>. <Survival Instinct>. (<Artifact / 2>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Goblin Elite Champion. Second Incarnation. Mound of Dirt.
Cost: 95 AP
Included in Becbunzen blister (May 1998)
Included in Becbunzen, Ströhm Warrior blister (December 2006)
- Becbunzen's name comes from the French word for Bunsen burner, "bec Bunsen"