Erhÿl the Wildcat
MOV: 12.5
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 5
DEF/RES: 5 / 6
AIM: 4
COU: 6
DIS: 4
"Catch me if you dare."
Equipment: Bow / STR 4, range 20-40-60. Symbiote
Abilities: <Harassment>. <Regeneration / 5>. <Scout>.
(<Artifact / 2>. <Assault Fire>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Rapid Reloading>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Daïkinee Special Champion
Cost: 76 AP
Included in blister (October 2005)
Erhÿl was a NACORD (North American Confederation of the Red Dragon) member exclusive miniature blister.