Vorak the Infallible
Vorak the Infallible
MOV: 10
INI: 4
ATT/STR: 6 / 8
DEF/RES: 5 / 7
AIM: -
COU: 6
DIS: 4
"If plan A doesn't work... try plan A again..."
Equipment: Brontops leather armor. Heavy mace.
Abilities: <Brutal>. <Leadership / 10>.
(<Artifact / 1>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Orc Regular Champion.
Cost: 59 AP
Vorak the Infallible (2nd Inc)
MOV: 10
INI: 4
ATT/STR: 6 / 9
DEF/RES: 6 / 8
AIM: -
COU: 7
DIS: 4
Equipment: Brontops leather armor. Heavy mace.
Abilities: <Authority>. <Brutal>. <Leadership / 10>.
(<Artifact / 1>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Orc Veteran Champion.
Cost: 79 AP
Vorak the Infallible blister was released with no other cards in September 2000.
Vorak the Infallible (2nd Inc) was released with no other cards in the 2nd Incarnation Card Pack vol 1.