Onyx the Prowler
Onyx the Prowler
MOV: 15
INI: 5
ATT/STR: 5 / 10
DEF/RES: 4 / 6
AIM: -
DIS: 3
"There are not yet enough of you to beat me!"
Equipment: Keratis blade. Strips of whispers.
Abilities: <Born Killer>. <Implacable / 2>. <Personal Enemy / Managarm>.
(<Artifact / 1>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Wolfen Regular Champion.
Cost: 73 AP
Onyx the Prowler (2nd Inc)
MOV: 15
INI: 6
ATT/STR: 5 / 11
DEF/RES: 5 / 6
AIM: -
DIS: 3
Equipment: Keratis blade. Strips.
Abilities: <Bane / Scout>. <Born Killer>. <Implacable / 2>. <Personal Enemy / Managarm>. <Scout>.
(<Artifact / 1>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)
Rank: Wolfen Regular Champion. Second Incarnation
Cost: 92 AP
Onyx the Prowler (2nd Inc) was released with no other cards in the 2nd Incarnation Card Pack vol 1.
Onyx the Prowler 1st Incarnation was released with no other cards In June 1999.