Alchemists of Dirz

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Alchemists of Dirz


Stuff happened. I bet someone died once.

Faction Overview

Overview of Akkyshan


  • Blah


  • Blah


The Laboratories of the Scorpion
Noctis Project


This army has some units. General overview of units. Yada yada.


Something something.

Unit Base Points Type Rank Incarnation Reserved Artifacts Reserved Spells / Miracles Capacities / Explanatory Notes
Abhan Djamir, Dawn Warrior 51 Warrior Scorpion Veteran Champion Warriors of the Rag'Narok Card Pack
Arkeon Sanath 89 Warrior Scorpion Veteran Champion The Rage of the Desert
Azhyan Adjaran 74 Warrior Scorpion Special Champion


The Laboratories of the Scorpion card pack
Cypher Lukhan 136 Warrior Scorpion Elite Champion Mutagenic Surge The Dominator

The Dominating

Cypher Lukhan 140 Warrior Scorpion Elite Champion 2nd 2nd Incarnation Card Pack Vol 2

Keratis Warriors, the Dominators

Kayl Kartan 56 Mage Scorpion Initiate Champion The Skull of Souls
Kayl Kartan 74 Mage Scorpion Adept Champion 2nd 2nd Incarnation Card Pack
Kheris, Clone 66U184 44 Warrior Scorpion Regular Champion The Blade of Shekara
Kithairin Saar 160 Warrior Scorpion Elite Shadow
Lady Claudia Nessalith 65 Faithful Scorpion Zealot Champion
Razheem the Insane 309 Warrior Scorpion Living-Legend Champion Djinn Treatment

Symbiotic Armor

The Insane's Panache

The Mad Commodore
Salias Yesod 72 Mage Scorpion Warrior-Mage Champion Alchemical Clyster***

The Homunculus

The Prowlers of Shamir
Sasia Samaris (Cloak) 162 Mage Scorpion Adept Champion 2nd The Blade of Siajan

The Hemostite Mask

The Crimson Vestal

The Cloak of Crawling 2

The Fire and the Sky***

Sasia Samaris box
Sasia Samaris (Foot) 84 Mage Scorpion Adept Champion 2nd
Sasia Samaris, The Rose of the Sands 134 Mage Scorpion Adept Champion The Cloak of Crawling 1
Sethin, Dawn Warrior 59 Warrior Scorpion Veteran Champion
Sîn Assyris 98 Warrior Scorpion Special Champion Fang of Greed The Hand of Basyleus***
Sykho Volesterus 27 Faithful Scorpion Devout Champion
Thissan Ka 110 Warrior Scorpion Elite Champion


Meriaghen's Shield The Guardian of Danakil Confrontation Initiation Set

Confrontation Starter Set

Vargas Metatron 49 Warrior Scorpion Regular Champion
Vargas Metatron 61 Warrior Scorpion Veteran Champion 2nd 2nd Incarnation Card Pack
Ysis, The Viper of the Desert 70 Warrior Scorpion Special Champion


Words about the troops.

Unit Base Points Models per Blister or Box Reserved Artifacts Reserved Spells / Miracles Capacities / Explanatory Notes
Aberration Prime
Alchemical Storm
Alchemical Veteran
Belisarius Clone
Belisarius Warrior The Laboratories of the Scorpion card pack
Centurus Clone 1
Centurus Clone 2
Clone of Dirz 1
Clone of Dirz 2
Clone of Dirz 3
Clone of Dirz 4
Crimson Fury
Crimson Servant
Dasyatis Clone 1
Dasyatis Clone 2
Dasyatis Guard The Laboratories of the Scorpion card pack
Dawn Warrior 1
Dirz Biopsist 1
Dirz Biopsist 2
Dirz Crossbowman 1
Dirz Crossbowman 2
Dirz Halberdier
Dirz Musician
Jadharis Clone
Keratis Warrior 1
Keratis Warrior 2
Keratis Warrior 3
Keratis Warrior 4
Musician of Dirz
Nefarius Clone
Nemesis Beast
Nemesis Clone
Pest of Flesh
Scorpion Neuromancer
Scorpion Oriflamme
Sentinel of Danakil 1
Sentinel of Danakil 2
Skorize Warrior 1
Standard Bearer of Dirz
Standard Bearer of the Scorpion
Tiger of Dirz 1
Tiger of Dirz 2
Tiger of Dirz 3
Tiger of Shamir The Laboratories of the Scorpion card pack
Vicar of Dirz


Artifacts that came with blisters that are not reserved

Endocrinal Treatment

Hexalid Crossbow

Oculus Treatment


Miracles that came with blisters that are not reserved


Spells that came with blisters that are not reserved

Orb of Blackness

Spiritual Perversion

Suspect Injection

Experience Cards

Experience cards that came with blisters for Confrontation 2nd edition

Scenario Cards

Campaigns and adventures that came with blisters for Confrontation 2nd edition


  • Interesting note about X