Dragan D'Orianthe

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Dragan D'Orianthe

MOV: 20

INI: 6

ATT/STR: 8 / 9

DEF/RES: 7 / 13

AIM: -

COU: 9

DIS: 9

Equipment: Armor. Cavalry lance. Mount. Shield. Sword.

Abilities: <Bane / Akkyshan>. <Brutish Charge>. <Charging STR / 15>. <Leadership / 20>. <Master-Strike / 4>. <Righteous>. <War-Horse>.

(<Artifact / 2>. <Counter-Attack>. <Master-Strike / 0>. <Sequence / 2>.)

Rank: Lion Elite Champion

Cost: 192 AP

Included in box (December 2002)

The Lance of the Heliast

The Shields of the Baronies

The Merciful