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[[Category:Goblins of No-Dan-Kar]]
[[Category:Goblins of No-Dan-Kar]]
[[Category:Scenario Cards]]

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''Durations'': Unlimited '''|''' ''Deployment'': Special '''|''' ''Maximum A.P.'': 300
''Durations'': Unlimited '''|''' ''Deployment'': Special '''|''' ''Maximum A.P.'': 300
==See Also==
[[The Dagger of the God Rat]]
[[The Mask of Strycnius]]
[[Fuse Bombs]]

Latest revision as of 14:21, 3 October 2021


The Ambassador's Reception Party
The Ambassador's Reception Party (back)
A Walk in the Moonlight
At Night All Rats Are Grey
At Night All Rats Are Grey (back)

Act I: The Ambassador's Reception Party

Zakin was shouting himself hoarse and his already high-pitched voice sounded almost hysterical. The Ambassador of No-Dan-Kar in Cadwallon feared assassination attempts for that anything else…at least hose of which he was the target.


“But you are not alone…”

The voice was just a soft whisper. Zakin’s high-pitched shrieking only seemed even more unseemly.

“bubububut…but who…he...heeelllpp…”

The Goblin ambassador was now whimpering, certain that his final house has come

“Maybe you should make up your mind!” answered the muffled voice

Suddenly a fat rat jumped from out of the shadows and landed at Zakin’s feet, making him faint within a second. The last thought that crossed his mind was that the creature had a very big nose.

“Maybe I ought to avoid dramatic entries, or else I might start losing customers…” Thought Cyanhur

The Ambassador Zakin has hired the best assassin in Cadwallon to guarantee his security and to find out who is trying to eliminate him. Cyanhur’s first mission is to foil any assassin nation attempts during a reception party that his client is having in his palace. The party is in full swing when the doors and windows shatter and band of killers barge into the room.

Objective: define a 60 x 60cm playing area to represent the reception room. Place 4 counters, one at the edge of each side of the area to represent the exits.

The ambassador Zakin starts the games in the middle of the room. If he is engaged in Hand-to-Hand combat he cannot attack and must place all his dice in Defense. His characteristics are those of a Goblin Marauder and his status is that of a Character. Zakin's bodyguards start the game near the exists. The figurines may be deployed within Charging distance of each other. The attackers are deployed in a perimeter of 20 cm around the exits. Cyanhur may be deployed anywhere like a Scout. The Adventurer wins the game if Zakin is alive at the end of the game and if he has managed to reach an exit.

Victory / -: completely satisfied by Cyanhur's services, the ambassador pays him a substantial bonus for him to investigate. In the next scenario Cyanhur pays his magic objects at half their price.

Defeat: Zakin is dead and Cyanhur's reputation takes a heavy blow. He only gains half of his experience points.

Durations: 2 rounds | Deployment: Special | Maximum A.P.: 200

Act II: A Walk in the Moonlight

In the basement of the ambassador’s palace the prisoner’s cries were heard all night. Zakin did not mind a nice torture session one in a while, but the torture victims’ screams were getting his nerves. Furious, he decides to go down and see how the investigation is moving along. What he saw made his hunger for breakfast go away instantly. Cyanhur on the other hand seemed completely at ease.

“So, my friend is he about to admit it?” Asking Zakin

“Admit what?” Cyanhur answered distractedly.

“But? Who had paid him of course!” choked the ambassador.

“Oh, that…I haven’t asked him yet.”

The prisoner gave them the name of the person behind the assassination attempt the second Cyanhur asked him for it. The same evening, the assassin prepared an ambush in the dark alleys of the lower city. But the crook was not alone…

Objective: The Adventurer must capture the enemy figuring with the highest value in A.P. He must eliminate at least half of the enemy's fighters and surround his target by placing at least four of his figurines in base-to-base contact with it.

Victory / 3: Rat likes mischievous minds. Cyanhur benefits from the Possessed Ability in the next game.

Defeat: Rat quickly loses interest in those that deceive him. Cyanhur loses the Survival Instinct ability in the next game.

Durations: Unlimited | Deployment: Siege | Maximum A.P.: 300

Act III: At Night All Rats Are Grey

Zakin insisted that this time Cyanhur does not make the fun last as long. Now he regretted it. They only had to show their new prisoner what was left of the other one for him to let them know everything he knew and more.

The ambassador now knew who wanted him dead, and considering that he only fainted twice, one can assume that he took the news fairly well.

His face was now a nice pastel green color and the fat drops of cold sweat ran down his neck.

As for Cyanhur, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Noticing his indecisive expression, Zakin was gripped by a bout of panic.

“You’re not going to abandon me now, are you?” he squeaked.

“Hmm, no. But my services are going to cost you a lot more now…” answered Cyanhur.

Zakin suddenly felt himself become a Goblin again, a real one.

“Thief, crook!” he muttered between his teeth.

“You forgot assassin”, answered Cyanhur while throwing an icy stare at him.

A loud swallowing sound was the only answer the ambassador was able to give.

Cyanhur must now infiltrate the circle of the person that ordered Zakin's assassination.

Objective: place three counters at the edges of the playing area to symbolize the exits. At the beginning of the game only Cyanhur and three non-Character figurines may be deployed anywhere, even within Charging distance of each other. Place one of the three Shadow warriors in front of each of the three exits. They cannot move before the alert has been raised. If Cyanhur manages to kill one of the sentinels he can open one of the exits and let all or a part of his companions enter at the beginning of the next round. The alert is raised as soon as Cyanhur's companions enter the playing area or if a sentinel engaged in Hand-to-Hand Combat is still alive at the end of the round. The rest of the Shadow's forces are then deployed during the same round. They enter the game by the side of the playing area on which there is no counter. The objective is simple: Cyanhur must kill the Shadow, who can attempt to escape by one of the exits.

Victory / 5: Apparently Cyanhur amuses Rat a lot. So Rat decides to give him a hand to help him stay alive. In the future Cyanhur may re-roll 3 rolls of the dice per game. (He may, if he wishes, re-roll the same one three times, but the last result is always the one that counts.)

Defeat: Rat doesn't like wasting his time with fighters that don't deserve his attention. Luck abandons Cyanhur who cannot re-roll 6's during the next game.

Durations: Unlimited | Deployment: Special | Maximum A.P.: 300

See Also


The Dagger of the God Rat

The Mask of Strycnius

Fuse Bombs