The Provosts of Uren

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The Dwarves' pantheon includes a great number of divinities, all of them watching over the mountain people for centuries. Among the most widespread cults is that of Uren, the god of the Forge. His adepts have chosen the path of weapons a long time ago and have earned their nobility on the battlefields where their fervor galvanizes the Dwarf warriors.

The Provosts of Uren

Moveover, their uprightness has made them be chosen to maintain peace and order within Tir-Nâ-Bor's society. Feared and respected by all, the Provosts enforce Uren's justice with severity but also with an indisputable fairness.

Every non-Character Dwarf present within his Aura of Faith at the beginning of the Movement phase gives him a +1 bonus in Courage until the end of the round. This bonus cannot, however, be transmitted by the Leadership ability.