Nurbald the Sculptor

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MOV: 10

Nurbald the Sculptor
Nurbald the Sculptor


INI: 3

ATT/STR: 3 / 3

DEF/RES: 4 / 7

AIM: -

COU: -6

DIS: 3

"I will make you my masterpiece."

Abilities: Possessed. Darkness Initiate / Chtonian. Artifact / 2. Focus.

Rank: Cadwallon Initiate Champion.

Power: 4

Cost: 45 AP

2nd Inc

MOV: 10

INI: 4

ATT/STR: 4 / 3

DEF/RES: 4 / 8

AIM: -

COU: -7

DIS: 4

"Now you belong to me!"

Abilities: Possessed. Leap. Focus. Adept of Darkness and Earth / Chtonian, Necromancy.

Rank: Cadwallon Adept Champion.

Power: 6

Cost: 80 AP

Included in blister (October 2006)

The Skiross Stone

Dolls of Flesh

Plagued Hand


Nurbald the Sculptor (2nd Incarnation) was released in Cry Havoc 17 as French only. It has been translated and a TSE card created.