Nurbald the Sculptor

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MOV: 10

Nurbald the Sculptor
Nurbald the Sculptor


INI: 3

ATT/STR: 3 / 3

DEF/RES: 4 / 7

AIM: -

COU: -6

DIS: 3

"I will make you my masterpiece."

Abilities: Possessed. Darkness Initiate / Chthonian. Artifact / 2. Focus.

Rank: Cadwallon Initiate Champion.

Power: 4

Cost: 45 AP

2nd Inc

MOV: 10

INI: 4

ATT/STR: 4 / 3

DEF/RES: 4 / 8

AIM: -

COU: -7

DIS: 4

"Now you belong to me!"

Abilities: Possessed. Leap. Focus. Adept of Darkness and Earth / Chthonian, Necromancy.

Rank: Cadwallon Adept Champion.

Power: 6

Cost: 80 AP

Included in blister (October 2006)

The Skiross Stone

Dolls of Flesh

Plagued Hand


Nurbald the Sculptor (2nd Incarnation) was released in Cry Havoc 16; French only. It has been translated and a TSE card created.