Goblin Prophet of the Eagle
Revision as of 00:09, 17 August 2022 by Krillion the librarian (talk | contribs)
MOV: 10
INI: 3
ATT/STR: 3 / 4
DEF/RES: 3 / 5
AIM: -
COU: 3
DIS: 2
Abilities: <Bravery>. <Divination of the Eagle>. <Faithful of Faathi / 10>. <Resolution / 1>. <Survival Instinct>. <Warrior-Monk>.
Rank: Eagle Devout.
Aspects: C:1; A:1; D:0
Cost: 20 AP
Goblin Prophet was made a playable troop type for Concord of the Eagle. TSE has created a card specific for the Concord profile detailed in Cry Havoc vol 10.