The Tyrants of Vile-Tis

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The Tyrants of Vile-Tis

Vile-Tis, the Beast, teaches perfection in combat to its warriors. The fallen god instructs strength, endurance, and the pain of body and spirit, all in equal measure. The best among them sometimes earn the privilege to fight at the side of Ellis, the physical embodiment of the Beast on Aarklash. The First-born of the Devourers then unveils to them the secrets of the Gift of Death. Those that have survived all the trials of war received a spark of power of the Beast and are named Flesh-eaters. Some transcend the limits of their bodies and souls when faced with an adversary and become true Disciples of the Beast. These fighters who have incarnated perfection in combat just for a few seconds are baptized Tyrants. War is their law and the battlefield is their domain.

With their size and strength Tyrants are able to tumble mountains.

In CONFRONTATION all Movements of Engagement or Pursuit they make are considered as a Charge and give the Tyrants all the advantages of a Charge.

In RAG'NAROK an Engagement is also considered as a Charge for the Units of Tyrants. However, the application of penalties remains submitted to the Domination Factor of the implied Units. This aptitude does not allow a Tyrant to inflict penalties when making a Thrust Movement.

The Tyrants of Vile-Tis are not Characters.