The Soul of the Somas

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The Soul of the Somas

Soma was a slave in the service of the House of Vanth of Acheron. Naturally talented in the magic arts, he was taken in as an apprentice by one of his maters and became powerful enough to escape from th accursed barony, not without having killed his mentor and stolen his magic sword.

After having participated in the conquest of Cadwallon with the Dogs of War, Soma founded the clan that bears his name. Before dying, he transferred a part of his soul int the sword that had freed him from Darkness.

This weapon is one of the treasures of the Soma family. It symbolized the eternal war between the clan and the Limbo of Acheron.

The Soul of the Somas is a "Black Weapon." Its user's INI, ATT, and DEF are increased by 1 point each. He acquires the "Authority" and "Righteous" abilities. These modifications are considered to be printed on his reference card.

The ATT bonus provided by Righteous (if the fighter places all his dice in attack) is not cumulative with the one provided by Bravery.

Only characters with "Soma" in their rank or who are members of this family can bear this weapon. Only one copy of it may be included in the same army.

Cost: 17 AP