The Kraken's Tentacles

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The Kraken's Tentacles

The Kraken's Tentacles count among the most successful illusions imagined by Kerozen's liquified mind. Obeying its master's words of power, the Kraken takes the Water gems that seem to melt in its tentacles and cover it completely. In the enemies' eyes it then looks like a gelatinous mass of which the pseudopods try to grab limbs and weapons.

3 Water Managem water.png

Path: Reserved to Kerozen

Range: Contact

Difficulty: 8

Duration: Until end of round

Area of Effect: Special

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 0

A.P.: 14

Enemy figurines in base-to-base contact with Kerozen suffer a -2 penalty in Initiative. This penalty may not however cause the concerned figurines' Initiative go under 0.