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[[File:card_cadwallon_bannerofthedead.jpg|thumb|Banner of the Dead]]
[[File:card_cadwallon_bannerofthedead.jpg|thumb|Banner of the Dead]]

''Few Cadwë have the means to offer a last home to their deceased. The tradition in Cadwallon then requires the dead to be burned. Doing so the living secure the eternal rest of the dead, by avoiding the gruesome possibility of a necromantic resurrection.''

''The Cadwë undertakers, keepers of the tradition and guardians of the funerary houses, organize daily processions to allow the families to honor their dead and carry out the painful and yet necessary mourning. They brandish the banners of the dead as symbols of the courage require of all to go on living and face the future.''
Friendly Cadwallon fighters get Bravery when they are even partially within 15 cm/in the same Unit as a [[Cadwë Undertaker|Cadwë undertaker]] equipped with a Banner of the Dead.
This artifact is reserved to Cadwë undertakers. They do not become standard bearers.

Cost: 10 AP
Cost: 10 AP

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