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[[File:card_cadwallon_thescarlet.jpg|thumb|The Scarlet]]
[[File:card_cadwallon_thescarlet.jpg|thumb|The Scarlet]]

''Vladar the Arrogant is a steward of Cadwallon, where he serves as an intermediary between Duke Den Azhir and the free leagues.''
''Vladar's nickname is certainly not random, he joins free leagues when violence is the last resort and draws from it disproportionate pride. Nothing pleases him more than destroying the enemies of the Duke and drawing all the light to himself instead of the free leaguers.''
''To avoid the cheap blow of a leaguers irritated by his swaggering, Vladar the Arrogant asked the Guild of Cartomancers to design the Scarlet. This cloak is as light as silk, but as solid as steel. The Arrogant wears it in combat to parry, in a blood red veil, the blows aimed at him.''
The Scarlet is only for Vladar the Arrogant. It gives him Parry.

Cost: 8 AP
Cost: 8 AP

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