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[[File:Card cynwall luminousstranglehold.jpg|thumb|Luminous Stranglehold]]
[[File:Card cynwall luminousstranglehold.jpg|thumb|Luminous Stranglehold]]
Cynwäll constructs are immune to the "Supreme Banishment" and "Banishment" spells.
The following rules only apply in Rag'Narok.
Cynwälls who master the magic path of solaris (or of chronomancy) and those endowed with an Orb of Clarity can use gems of light to generate Luminous Strangleholds.
'''Increase of DIS'''. At the beginning of the movement phase, a Cynwäll who can generate Luminous Strangleholds can transform gems of light in his or his Orb of Clarity's reserve into an equal amount of Luminous Stranglehold points. This value then represents the DIS of the Cynwäll Constructs in the Unit of the Cynwäll generating the Luminous Stranglehold. This DIS can be transmitted by "Leadership / X." The penalties caused by the difference in rank between the generating Cynwäll and the receiving Constructs do not apply. The Luminous Stranglehold points disappear at the end of the round.
'''Additional Orders'''. If the Commander-in-Chief of the Cynwäll army is able to generate Luminous Strangleholds, he can spend gems of Light from his or his Orb of Clarify's reserve (after the Tactical Roll and before Order attribution). He gets 1 additiona Order for every 2 gems spent. These Orders can only be attributed to Units of friendly Constructs. Any unused Orders are lost.

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