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Faction Overview
== Faction Overview ==
Overview of the Devourers:
Overview of the Devourers:


Great defence on every model, great resilience on most models, good initiative on most models
*Great defence on every model, great resilience on most models, good initiative on most models
Most models excel in most stats
*Most models excel in most stats
Great racial features: born killer on the wolfen and ambidextrous on the half-elves
*Great racial features: born killer on the wolfen and ambidextrous on the half-elves
All Wolfen cause decent fear, and the half-elves have good courage ratings
*All Wolfen cause decent fear, and the half-elves have good courage ratings
Wolfen are large, and thus almost always cause charging penalties and can sometimes avoid receiving charging penalties
*Wolfen are large, and thus almost always cause charging penalties and can sometimes avoid receiving charging penalties
Wolfen and half-elves both have great movement
*Wolfen and half-elves both have great movement
The Huntsman is the best shooter in the game, or close to it
*The Huntsman is the best shooter in the game, or close to it
Outstanding themes
*Outstanding themes  
Some of the most iconic Confrontation sculpts
*Some of the most iconic Confrontation sculpts


Average strength across most models for such a large creature-based army
* Average strength across most models for such a large creature-based army
Limited range of troop choices – slightly larger than Cynwall and just smaller than Drunes
*Limited range of troop choices – slightly larger than Cynwall and just smaller than Drunes
Elite points for elite models - Devourer forces are often outnumbers, with an average of 6 to 8 miniatures for a 400 point list
*Elite points for elite models - Devourer forces are often outnumbers, with an average of 6 to 8 miniatures for a 400 point list  
Army lists often have few models but large number of cards, so they don’t have many passes available
*Army lists often have few models but large number of cards, so they don’t have many passes available
Mostly average characters
*Mostly average characters
Sub-par magic and faithful
*Sub-par magic and faithful
Low discipline, few leadership options, and no native Authority in the army
*Low discipline, few leadership options, and no native Authority in the army

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