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===The Orcish Hordes===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor theorcishhordescover.jpg|The Orcish Hordes Cover
File:Card branokor theorcishhordes.jpg|The Orcish Hordes
File:Card branokor theorcishhordesback.jpg|The Orcish Hordes (back)
File:Card branokor hordejackalslair.jpg|Horde: Jackal's Lair
File:Card branokor hordethearmyofthetwosuns.jpg|Horde: The Army of the Two Suns
File:Card branokor hordethearmyofthetwosunsback.jpg|Horde: The Army of the Two Suns (back)
File:Card branokor hordetheblackrocktribe.jpg|Horde: The Black Rock Tribe
File:Card branokor hordethelongsun.jpg|Horde: The Long Sun
File:Card branokor hordethelongsunback.jpg|Horde: The Long Sun (back)
File:Card branokor hordethesarkainomads.jpg|Horde: The Sarkaï Nomads
File:Card branokor hordethethunderriders.jpg|Horde: The Thunder Riders
File:Card branokor hordethetorchesofgerikan.jpg|Horde: The Torches of Gerikân
File:Card branokor hordethetorchesofgerikanback.jpg|Horde: The Torches of Gerikân (back)
File:Card branokor hordethevulturesclaws.jpg|Horde: The Vulture's Claws
File:Card branokor tribaltattoo.jpg|Tribal Tattoo
File:Card branokor furofthewildbeast.jpg|Fur of the Wild Beast
File:Card branokor mokoroseed.jpg|Mokoro Seed


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