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[[Category: Artifacts]]
[[Category: Artifacts]]
[[File:card_midnor_thearmoroftheenslaved.jpg|thumb|The Armor of the Enslaved]]
[[File:card_midnor_thearmoroftheenslaved.jpg|thumb|The Armor of the Enslaved]]
''Yh-Sabahal's armor is invested with the powers of the most powerful lictors who ever served the Despot. The demon summoned to forge this armor was fused with its creation by a ritual. The entity enslaved by this artifact has the faculty to attract and temporarily accumulate the demonic essence of the Mid-Nor dwarves who disincarnate in its vicinity, thus strengthening its own solidity.''
A counter is placed on his card every time a friendly fighter with the "Possessed" ability on his reference card is eliminated (KILLED OUTRIGHT, removed from the game, etc.) within a radius of 10 cm around [[Yh-Sabahal, Dominant|Yh-Sabahal]] and at the same level as him. The [[Demonic Satyr]] eliminated using Yh-Sabahal's "Sacrifice" capacity as well as friendly fighters eliminated by other friendly fighters ("Devotion," "Martyr," etc.) are not taken into account. The Armor of the Enslaved can thus hold up to 12 counters at a time. One counter is removed at the beginning of each round before making the Tactical Roll.
Yh-Sabahal's RES value is increased by an amount equal to the number of counters placed on his card (maximum: +6).
The Armor of the Enslaved is reserved to Yh-Sabahal.
Cost: 21 AP

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