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[[File:card_dirz_thenemesisclones.jpg|thumb|The Nemesis Clones]]
[[File:card_dirz_thenemesisclones.jpg|thumb|The Nemesis Clones]]
If an opponent tries to directly target a [[Nemesis Clone]] with a long-distance effect (projectile weapon, spell, miracle, etc.), then 1D6 is rolled before anything else to determine if the clone has been spotted. Roll 1D6: the result one must get depends on the distance between the fighter and the Nemesis clone.
'''1 to 10 cm''': 2 or more.
'''11 to 20 cm''': 3 or more.
'''21 to 30 cm''': 4 or more.
'''31 to 50 cm''': 5 or more.
'''51 to 60 cm''': 6.
'''61 cm and above''': Impossible.
However, no test has to be made f the Nemesis clone is hit indirectly.
If the clone has been spotted, then it is a normal target.
If not, then a different target may be chosen for the effect.
Fighters with the "Consciousness" ability don't have to do this test if the Nemesis is within their charging range.
In ''Rag'Narok'' only one test has to be made for each Unit. If a Unit includes a fighter with the "Consciousness" ability and the Nemesis is within his charging range, then no test is required.
A Nemesis clone cannot benefit from more than 3 Mutagenic points in DEF. Furthermore, its Fear cannot become more than 12 thanks to this ability.

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