Solar Power

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Solar Power

Light doesn't blind; it guides. It is justice as well as just.

3 Light Managem light.png

Path: Solaris

Range: 15 cm

Difficulty: 8

Duration: Until end of round

Area of Effect: One friendly Cynwäll

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 3

A.P.: 15

Solar Power affects the Damage Rolls that its target inflicts using hand-to-hand combat attacks or shots (except artillery). Its effect varies depending on the game.

Confrontation: The higher result on the dice indicates the column to be read for the Wound's location. The lower result on the dice is added to the STR (- the victim's RES) to determine the severity of the inflicted Wound.

Rag'Narok: Results of Rackham d6 5.png (5) can be re-rolled. A Rackham d6 1.png (1) gotten on this re-roll is not a failure and is added to the previous result.