Faithful of X / Y

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Faithful of X / Y denotes the cult (X) of the faithful and its aura of faith range (Y).

Example: Viraë, the Fianna Priestess, has the “Faithful of Danu / 12.5” ability. This means that her cult is of Danu, her aura of faith covers a radius of 12.5 cm around her base, and being a Kelt of the Sessair Tribe means that she is a follower of the Ways of Light and therefore has access to Ways of Light miracles.

Example: Archon of the Faathi has the "Faithful of Faathi / 10" ability. This means that his cult is of the Faathi, his aura of faith covers a radius of 10 cm around his base, and being a Concord of the Eagle devout, he has access to Paths of Destiny miracles.