Expert Sapper

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Card cadwallon expertorcsappers.png

The following is pulled from pg 18 of Cry Havoc 3 Gaming Aid.

The expert sappers use the battlefield as a weapon.

Expert Sapper: An expert sapper orc can be deployed without a war machine. He can become a servant of any of his army's war machines if he meets the required conditions.

After the deployment phase, but before the first Tactical Roll, an expert sapper orc can be given one of the two following roles:

  • Sap: The expert can raise two extra barricades in addition to the one provided by the "Sapper" ability. These must be erected touching the first one and according to the rules defined by this ability.
  • Counter-sap: Two enemy "Minelayer" counters can be revealed. They are neutralized and are removed from the battlefield. OR Two enemy "Sapper" barricades can be selected. 1d6 is rolled for each of these and the result indicates the number of Structure Points (S.P.) that they lose. If this action causes their amount of S.P. to fall to 0 or below, then they are destroyed and are removed from the battlefield.