Aberration Prime - Armors

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Aberration Prime Armors

"Commodore Razheem! The caravan from Tenseth has arrived.

Did it come with the Presents which were promised to me?

Yes, commodore. One of the aberration prime even broke friend killed some of your men before we could control it.

What impatience! I'm pleased. Place the four first ones in seclusion rooms. Prepare the last one, our little mutineer, for tomorrow. I am going to play with it and to bring it to heel before posting it on the bulwarks of Djaran."

The miniature must be assembled with one of the three given chests and one of the two given spines proposed. Each of the elements confers on the aberration prime a different game effect. These effects are considered a registered on the reference profile.

Anatomical Chest: Fear +2

Scrawny Chest: Fear +1, RES +1

Armored Chest: Rest +2

Simple Dorsal Spine: Rapidity

Superior Dorsal Spine: 1 are not fails on the Mutagenic Rolls