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===The Wolfen Packs Card Pack===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card wolfen thewolfenpackscover.jpg|The Wolfen Packs Cover
File:Card wolfen thewolfenpacks.jpg|The Wolfen Packs
File:Card wolfen thewolfenpacksback.jpg|The Wolfen Packs (back)
File:Card wolfen packthepathofopal.jpg|Pack: The Path of Opal
File:Card wolfen packtheredoaks.jpg|Pack: The Red Oaks
File:Card wolfen packthethroneofstars.jpg|Pack: The Throne of Stars
File:Card wolfen packthetwilighthills.jpg|Pack: The Twilight Hills
File:Card wolfen packthetwilighthillsback.jpg|Pack: The Twilight Hills (back)
File:Card wolfen packthewheelofdreams.jpg|Pack: The Wheel of Dreams
File:Card wolfen themaskofgandhar.jpg|The Mask of Gandhar
File:Card wolfen thetalismanofthescribe.jpg|The Talisman of the Scribe
File:Card wolfen rageoftheredoaks.jpg|Rage of the Red Oaks


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