The Cynwäll Dragons

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An army can deploy only one dragon for every even incomplete 500 A.P. in it.

The Cynwäll Dragons

Dragon Breath: The Cynwäll Dragons are not counted in the quota of the Cynwäll armies' artillery. Their AIM is only used when breathing fire and cannot be used for any other range weapons or to become a war machine's servant. In Rag'Narok a 1 on an AIM test made when using dragon breath does not prevent from firing in the following round.

Cynwäll dragons can also use their breath in hand-to-hand combat. The template represents the impact of the flames breathed by the dragon. The dragon's field of vision is determined depending on his miniature's position as if he weren't engaged. A dragon is immune to the flames he breathes. Fighters with Immunity / Fire are also immune to the flames breathed by Cynwäll dragons. Rag'Narok: a dragon does not need a "Fire" Order to fire in hand-to-hand combat.

The Dragon's Presence: All Cynwäll fighters/Units get +1 in STR and RES as long as they are even partially within 20 cm or less of a friendly Cynwäll dragon, no matter the altitude level he is at. This bonus is not cumulative if several dragons are within range.

Dragons do not benefit from the bonuses provided by their own presence.