Mercenary Ogre

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MOV: 12.5

Mercenary Ogre
Mercenary Ogre (Eagle)


INI: 2

ATT/STR: 5 / 12

DEF/RES: 4 / 10

AIM: -

COU: -7

DIS: 4

"I love hearing you kin beg for mercy."

Abilities: Brutal. Hard-Boiled. Sequence. Fanaticism. Bane / Creature. Mercenary.

Rank: Cadwallon Creature.

Cost: 53 A.P.


MOV: 12.5

INI: 2

ATT/STR: 5 / 12

DEF/RES: 4 / 10

AIM: -

COU: -7

DIS: 4

Abilities: Brutal. Hard-Boiled. Sequence. Fanaticism. Bane / Creature. Mercenary. Resolution / 1.

Rank: Creature of the Eagle.

Cost: 56 A.P.


Mercenary Ogre blister was released in December 2005 with no other cards.

In Cry Havoc volume 8, the artifact Stuff was made available to the Mercenary Ogre.

In Cry Havoc volume 10, a number of profiles were inducted as members of the Concord of the Eagle army, including the Mercenary Ogre. A TSE card has been created for the profile.