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==Mystic Incarnates==
==Mystic Incarnates==
===Asura De Sarlath===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron asuradesarlath.jpg|Asura De Sarlath
File:Card acheron reignofchaos.jpg|Reign of Chaos
File:Card acheron theshadowofdeath.jpg|The Shadow of Death
File:Card acheron carnalmystique.jpg|Carnal Mystique
File:Card acheron hordeofhell.jpg|Horde of Hell
File:Card acheron thehydrasflesh.jpg|The Hydra's Flesh
File:Card acheron thesealofphobos.jpg|The Seal of Phobos
File:Card acheron scepterofdarkabsolution.jpg|Scepter of Dark Absolution
File:Card acheron thespectersrags.jpg|The Specter's Rags
===Azaël the Unfaithful===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron azaeltheunfaithful.jpg|Azaël the Unfaithful
File:Card acheron putrefaction.jpg|Putrefaction
File:Card acheron curse.jpg|Curse
File:Card acheron pallidaura.jpg|Pallid Aura
File:Card acheron sepulchercompanion.jpg|Sepulcher Companion
===Ejhin De Vanth===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron ejhindevanth.jpg|Ejhin De Vanth
File:Card acheron bladeoferebus.jpg|Blade of Erebus
File:Card acheron graspofthedemon.jpg|Grasp of the Demon
File:Card acheron devilswhipsers.jpg|Devil's Whispers
File:Card acheron sealofthecorrupt.jpg|Seal of the Corrupt
File:Card acheron blackdiamond.jpg|Black Diamond
File:Card acheron abyssalstigmata.jpg|Abyssal Stigmata
===Janos the Banished===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron janosthebanished.jpg|Janos the Banished
===Janos the Banished 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron janosthebanished2.jpg|Janos the Banished 2nd
File:Card acheron thesealofobsidian.jpg|The Seal of Obsidian
File:Card acheron thesnakevine.jpg|The Snake-Vine
File:Card acheron fireofmountdamned.jpg|Fire of Mount Damned
===Kaïn the Scourge===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron kainthescourge.jpg|Kaïn the Scourge
File:Card acheron honoroftheblackpaladins.jpg|Honor of the Black Paladins
File:Card acheron strengthoftherebelgod.jpg|Strength of the Rebel God
File:Card acheron salauelsabsolution.jpg|Salaüel's Absolution
File:Card acheron relics.jpg|Relics
File:Card acheron thecodexofthescourge.jpg|The Codex of the Scourge
File:Card acheron thefistofkain.jpg|The Fist of Kaïn
File:Card acheron thescourgeofacheron.jpg|The Scourge of Acheron
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron lonua.jpg|Lo'Nua
===Lo'Nua 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron lonua2.jpg|Lo'Nua 2nd
File:Card acheron nightbeast.jpg|Night Beast
File:Card acheron thesealofalabaster.jpg|The Seal of Alabaster
File:Card acheron thedoyakmask.jpg|The Do'Yak Mask
===Quaestor Essaïs===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron quaestoressais.jpg|Quaestor Essaïs
===Sophet Drahas, King of Ashes 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron sophetdrahas.jpg|Sophet Drahas 2nd
File:Card acheron sophetdrahas2.jpg|Sophet Drahas 2nd
File:Card acheron sophetdrahas3.jpg|Sophet Drahas, King of Ashes 2nd
File:Card acheron cruel.jpg|Cruel
File:Card acheron thekindofashes.jpg|The King of Ashes
File:Card acheron thetalismanofshadows.jpg|The Talisman of Shadows
File:Card acheron majesty.jpg|Majesty
File:Card acheron maskofthecondemned.jpg|Mask of the Condemned
File:Card acheron thebloodofdiscord.jpg|The Blood of Discord
File:Card acheron privilege.jpg|Privilege
File:Card acheron thearcanaofcadwallon.jpg|The Arcana of Cadwallon
File:Card acheron arcanumivtheemperor.jpg|Arcanum IV: The Emperor
File:Card acheron arcanumivtheemperorspell.jpg|Arcanum IV: The Emperor (Spell)
File:Card acheron arcanumxvthedevil.jpg|Arcanum XV: The Devil
File:Card acheron arcanumxvthedevilspell.jpg|Arcanum XV: The Devil (Spell)
===The Bogeyman===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron thebogeyman.jpg|The Bogeyman
File:Card acheron thegravediggersossuary.jpg|The Gravedigger's Ossuary
File:Card acheron abjuration.jpg|Abjuration
File:Card acheron evileye.jpg|Evil Eye
File:Card acheron salauelsenchantment.jpg|Salaüel's Enchantment
===The Bogeyman 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron thebogeyman2.jpg|The Bogeyman 2nd
===The Coryphaeus===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron thecoryphaeus.jpg|The Coryphaeus
File:Card acheron thecoryphaeus2.jpg|The Coryphaeus (art)
File:Card acheron sonnetofeternity.jpg|Sonnet of Eternity
File:Card acheron deadforge.jpg|Dead Forge
File:Card acheron shreddingofthesouls.jpg|Shredding of the Souls
File:Card acheron theorpheon.jpg|The Orpheon
File:Card acheron theblackspellbook.jpg|The Black Spellbook
File:Card acheron thecoryphaeuscapacity.jpg|The Coryphaeus (Capacity)
===The Gorgon===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron thegorgon.jpg|The Gorgon
File:Card acheron eternaltorpor.jpg|Eternal Torpor
File:Card acheron funeralmarch.jpg|Funeral March
File:Card acheron thearrowsofhecate.jpg|The Arrows of Hecate
File:Card acheron annihilation.jpg|Annihilation
File:Card acheron thenightjar.jpg|The Nightjar
File:Card acheron thescepterofatrocities.jpg|The Scepter of Atrocities
===The Lord of Insanity===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card acheron thelordofinsanity.jpg|The Lord of Insanity
File:Card acheron thelordofinsanitycapacity.jpg|The Lord of Insanity (Capacity)
==Warrior Incarnates==
==Warrior Incarnates==
==Mystic Troops==
==Mystic Troops==

Revision as of 12:27, 20 November 2022

Mystic Incarnates

Asura De Sarlath

Azaël the Unfaithful

Ejhin De Vanth

Janos the Banished

Janos the Banished 2nd

Kaïn the Scourge


Lo'Nua 2nd

Quaestor Essaïs

Sophet Drahas, King of Ashes 2nd

The Bogeyman

The Bogeyman 2nd

The Coryphaeus

The Gorgon

The Lord of Insanity

Warrior Incarnates

Mystic Troops

Warrior Troops
