Clan: The Helldivers

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Kinglet: Anthracite

Clan: The Helldivers

Clan / Hidden in Darkness (1 AP): The fighters of the Helldivers acquire Alliance / Meanders of Darkness. They then belong to the Meanders of Darkness and not to the Paths of Destiny. This rule also counts for the acquisition of miracles by the clan's faithful.

Solo / Antiquary (2 AP): This capacity can be given to any Helldiver non-Character fighter. He acquires Artifact / 1.

Solo / Sorcerer of the Void (3 AP): This capacity can be given to any Helldiver magician. He can exchange one of the Elements he masters (except Air) for Darkness. This capacity doesn't apply to Elements acquired through artifacts.

Solo / Cult of the Kriss (0 AP): A goblin army in which all fighters are bound to the clan of Helldivers can include non-Character ghouls of Acheron (up to 15% of its value - 60AP in 400AP army). If this alliance is chosen, then the goblins and the Acheronians cannot have any other Allies. The ghouls can be bound to the Helldiver clan. They are then not considered to be Allies nor goblins and don't have access to this card's capacities.