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[[File:card_lion_capeofconcealment.jpg|thumb|Cape of Concealment]]
''While Arakan is a mysterious and feared character, the story surrounding his cloak is even more so. He was one of the best mercenaries of the Duke of Cadwallon, the city of thieves. It is said that he stole the cloak from his then employer... though none but the two of them know the truth. In any case, the Duelist's head is now worth a lot of money in the most dangerous city of Aarklash.''
''While Arakan is a mysterious and feared character, the story surrounding his cloak is even more so. He was one of the best mercenaries of the Duke of Cadwallon, the city of thieves. It is said that he stole the cloak from his then employer... though none but the two of them know the truth. In any case, the Duelist's head is now worth a lot of money in the most dangerous city of Aarklash.''

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