Arcanum XX: The Judgment (Spell)

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The Cadwë tomb raiders had won the battle, yet their losses were very heavy. Jaelyn, mortally wounded, was sobbing in agony. Derthyl got near her and pulled out his deck of tarot cards.

Arcanum XX: The Judgment (Spell)

"What trick are you going to do for me, tarot-mage? I already know my future."

"I don't think so. Pray if you have faith, for you will suffer the Judgement of Vanius. Fate may still spare you..."

2 Neutral Managem neutral.png

Path: Cartomancy

Range: 20 cm

Difficulty: 7

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: One friendly fighter

Frequency: 2

Intensity: 2

A.P.: 10

The targeted fighter acquires Regeneration / 5 until the end of the round. If he already has Regeneration / X, then this spell has no effect.

Rag'Narok: This spell can only target Independents. No line of sight is required if the target is in the same Unit as the magician.


This spell (and corresponding artifact) were included with Cardinal Aerth box.