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MOV: 15

Irix the Sibyl (original)
Irix the Sibyl (reissue)
Irix the Fury (original)
Irix the Fury (reissue)
Irix the Selene

Sibyl Original

INI: 8

ATT/STR: 9 / 12

DEF/RES: 8 / 9

AIM: -

COU: -10

DIS: 7

Equipment: Banner. Hunting blade. Battle axe. Studdent armor.

Abilities: Born Killer. Hardened. Leadership / 15. Loyal / 2. Ambidextrous.

Rank: Wolfen Elite Champion.

Cost: 205 AP

Sibyl Reissue

MOV: 15

INI: 8

ATT/STR: 11 / 14

DEF/RES: 10 / 11

AIM: -

COU: -10

DIS: 7

Equipment: Banner. Hunting blade. Battle axe. Studdent armor. Sacred arms of Yllia.

Abilities: Born Killer. Hardened. Leadership / 15. Loyal / 2. Ambidextrous.

Rank: Wolfen Living-Legend Champion.

Cost: 346 AP

Fury Original

MOV: 15

INI: 8

ATT/STR: 9 / 12

DEF/RES: 8 / 9

AIM: -

COU: -10

DIS: 7

Equipment: Banner. Hunting blade. Battle axe. Studdent armor.

Abilities: Born Killer. Hardened. Leadership / 15. Loyal / 2. Ambidextrous.

Rank: Wolfen Elite Champion.

Cost: 205 AP

Fury Reissue

MOV: 15

INI: 8

ATT/STR: 11 / 14

DEF/RES: 10 / 11

AIM: -

COU: -10

DIS: 7

Equipment: Banner. Hunting blade. Battle axe. Studdent armor. Sacred arms of Yllia.

Abilities: Born Killer. Hardened. Leadership / 15. Loyal / 2. Ambidextrous.

Rank: Wolfen Living-Legend Champion.

Cost: 346 AP


MOV: 15

INI: 8

ATT/STR: 11 / 14

DEF/RES: 10 / 11

AIM: -

COU: -10

DIS: 7

Equipment: Banner. Hunting blade. Battle axe. Studdent armor. Sacred arms of Yllia.

Abilities: Born Killer. Hardened. Leadership / 15. Loyal / 2. Ambidextrous.

Rank: Wolfen Living-Legend Champion.

Cost: 346 AP

See Also

Call for Blood

Murmur of Pain


Eternal Cycle

The Deluge of Idabaoth

The Scepter of Ice Cold Fury

The Astrolobe of Destiny

The Totem of Yllia