Mystical Disembodiment
The Scavenger's Indulgence
The Path of Kamah-Ô-Kor
Khorlan and Grizmaor
Mystical Stone
Talismans of the Jackal Lord
The Jackal Lord
Rage of the Jackal
Canvas of Realities
Tenacity of the Rock
Fangs of Jackal
Tamaor the Vulture
Swarm of Carrion Fowl
Faithful Dream
Immortal Specter
The Vulture Totem
The Vulture's Wings
Incendiary Jars
The Son of Thunder
Ibohak's Skull
The Pendulum of Mesmerism
The Son of Thunder (Capacity)
Song of Days Past
Thunder's Wrath
Favor of the Long Sun
Törk the Animal
Rhino Charge
Spirit of the Buffalo
The Cunning of the Jackal
Törk the Animal 2nd