Laceration of Wounds

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Laceration of Wounds

Blind with rage, the Wolfen Predator grabbed the Depot's puppeteer by the throat and thirst his weapon through him. Unable to feel suffering, the Possessed made a deep gash into the Predator's arm with his broken sword and the Son of Yllia was shaken by a violent pain. He threw his disemboweled adversary to the ground and hack him to bits. But it was too late...

3 Darkness Managem darkness.png

Path: Corruption

Range: 10 cm

Difficulty: Target's RES

Duration: Until end of game

Area of Effect: One enemy figurine

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 3

A.P.: 12

This spell can only be cast onto a wounded adversary. From then on the Strength of all Damage Rolls made against him is increased by 2 points.

A same fighter can be under the influence of only one Laceration of Wounds at a time. This curse ends as soon as the targeted fighter is KILLED OUTRIGHT or is healed of all his Wounds.