Telluric Premonition

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Telluric Premonition

Path: Telluric, Lithomancy

Range: 15 cm

Difficulty: 3 + Target's DEF

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: One friendly fighter

Frequency: 2

Intensity: 2

A.P.: 10

This spell can only be cast right before the target makes an Initiate test in Hand-to-Hand combat. If the incantation is successful, then one of the target's combat dice is placed aside. It is then placed in attack or defense after the opponent has placed his dice. If one of the opponents present in the same fray as the target has a similar capacity, then this spell has no effect. Telluric Premonition has no effect on dice that absolute must be placed in either attack or defense (War Fury, etc.).

In Rag'Narok this spell can only be cast on Independents. If its target is in the same Unit as the magician, then no line of sight is needed.