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[[File:card_devourer_yanrylhssnarl.jpg|thumb|Y'Anrylh's Snarl]]
[[File:card_devourer_yanrylhssnarl.jpg|thumb|Y'Anrylh's Snarl]]

In the past
''In the past Y'Anrylh, the master of the Throne of Stars well before Killyox, sowed terror wherever he laid his eyes. The Strips of Whispers claim that his crimes have prevented him from reaching eternal rest. Supposedly his bloodstained hands are now those of an Immortal...''
If she is equipped with her ancestor's mask, Managarm can choose to activate the power of Y'Anrylh's Snarl at the moment that she chooses her combat technique. This enchantment inflicts her with horrible suffering that increases her rage but which can also be fatal. The moment she activates this artifact Manager acquires the Ephemeral ability until the end of the round. The player controlling her must then choose the value associated with this ability (which must be between 4 and 6): the greatest the risk taken, the greater the bonuses given by the mask.
* Ephemeral / 6: +2 in STR
* Ephemeral / 5: +3 in STR, +1 in ATT
* Ephemeral / 4: +4 in STR, +2 in ATT, +1 in DEF
Y'Anrylh's Snarl is reserved to Managarm.
Cost: 14 AP

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