Mortuary Veil

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The undertaker carefully opened the funerary urn. He hated having to use the ashes of a Cadwë like this, but sometimes the dead had to help the living. Blowing the ashes, he charged them with mystic powers. Leaving it urn, the macabre dust turned into a thick cloud which shrouded the face of the Akkyshan in a dark bubble. Blinded, she was now moving like a loose puppet.

Mortuary Veil

2 Air Managem air.png

Path: Reseved to Cadwë Undertaker

Range: 30 cm

Difficulty: 6

Duration: End of the round

Area of Effect: One enemy fighter

Frequency: 2

Intensity: 3

A.P.: 12

The field of vision of the target is blocked. It cannot trace a valid line of sight to any fighter. It can still affect fighters in contact. If the target has Consciousness, it also loses the use of it. Mortuary veil has no effect on Living-Dead and Constructs.