Crash Concentrate

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"Three Tigers of Dirz stood before me, with bloodshot eyes. I had just a few seconds to react. I then closed my hand on a potions that I always kept attached to my belt. And I threw it promptly at these abominations. You certainly know what happened next as I am still alive..."

Crash Concentrate

- Extract of the Memories of Bâl-Torg the Elder.

From various skillfully prepared mixtures, the Alchemist creates a dangerously unstable mixture. This mixture, once throw at the opponents, explodes noisily, causing heavy damage to the surroundings.

3 Earth Managem earth.png

Path: Telluric

Range: 25 cm

Difficulty: Free

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: Special

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 3

A.P.: 13

The targeted figurine takes a Wound with a Strength equal to the spell's Difficulty, along with all the other figurines in base-to-base contact with it. If the incantation fails, the mixture explodes in the Alchemist's hands. He then suffers a Wound of Strength 0, along with all other figurines in base-to-base contact with him.