The Orb of Destruction

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S'Ygma studied for a long time the way the peoples of Aarklash bind magic energy to matter. Thanks to this knowledge he conceived the Orb of Destruction. This artifact concentrates the power of the mana in order to release it under the shape of energy bolts.

The Orb of Destruction

S'Ygma can use the orb of Destruction once every round. During his activation, no line of sight is required. The player chooses an enemy fighter situation (even partially) in a 20 cm radius or less of S'Ygma. S'Ygma spends between one and five manage gems of any Element: the enemy magicians within range can neutralize all or part of these gems by spending as many gems as they wish to thwart the spell.

The target suffers a damage roll the STR of which is equal to three times the number of gems spent. A fighter eliminated by the Orb of Destruction cannot return to the game.

The Orb of Destruction is only for S'Ygma.

Cost: 17 A.P.

See Also

The Arykao's Parasol

Wings of the Abyss

Path of Danger
