Clan: Yakûsa Clan

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Totally turned to technological innovation, this clan, which gathers the owners of land near Bran-Ô-Kor, has specialized itself in ranged combat. Filled with sharpshooters, gas-blowers and others of the sort, it is often used as support for the other clans and is in a strong position to sell its services at a high price. The whole clan is totally and utterly devoted to its chief, Golborak.

Clan: The Black Rats

Kinglet: Golborak

Clan / Eye of Rat (2 AP): Any fighter of the Black Rats with AIM and a range weapon on his card benefits from +1 on the result of his Aim tests. The ranges of his range weapon printed on his card are increased by 5 cm each. War machine servants only benefits from the bonus in AIM.

Solo / Naphtha Arsenal (5 AP): This capacity can be given to any fighter of the Black Rats of "Special" or "Elite" rank and of Small Size. He acquires the following equipment: "Carburetor" and "Naphtha Arsenal / STR." This change is considered to be printed on his card.

Solo / Desperado (3 AP): This capacity can be given to any fighter of the Black Rats. He acquires Instinctive Firing.