Test of akkyshan armies lists

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Armies List : 200 AP - Rules : Confédé

Like a chess game I do solo games to test Akkyshan armies lists

Unit Base point Quantity Abilities Mov Ini Att/Str Def/Res Aim Cou-Fear Dis Pow Faith Aim Str Aim Range Artefact
Carrache the Bomblayer 59 1 Minelayer. Target / +3. Aim. (Artefact/2, Counter-Attack, Master Strike/0, Sequence/2, Quick reloading/1, Assault fire, Aiming) 10 4 3/4 3/5 5 4 5 0 0 6 25/50/75
Doghandler 28 1 Ruthless. Brutish Charge. War Cry/6. Hard-Boiled. 10 3 3/8 3/6 0 4 3 0 0 0 0
Unit Base point Quantity Abilities Mov Ini Att/Str Def/Res Aim Cou-Fear Dis Pow Faith Aim Str Aim Range Artefact
Human slave unchained 6 3 Devotion/1. Martyr/1. 10 3 2/3 2/4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Ogre slave 54 1 Immunity/Toxic. Dreadful. Hard-boiled. Sequence. Large size. 12.5 2 5/11 4/9 0 -7 0 0 0 0 0
Special Abilities
Ability Description
Quick reloading A fighter with this ability can decide to take an extra shot during his activation. In order to use this ability, the fighter must not perform any actions other than shooting during his activation. When using this ability, the fighter loses -1 in Fire.

The shots are resolved in their entirety (choice of target, shooting test, wounding roll), one after the other, and can be directed at different targets. Only one additional shot per fighter is allowed during the same activation thanks to this ability, but it can be combined with any other effect (equipment, spell, miracle, ability, etc...) allowing the fighter to make additional shots. This ability does not work when the fighter who has it acts as a substitute for a war machine and that his TIR is used for a shot of the machine.

Aiming A fighter with this ability benefits from the bonus of Still Shot (see XIII-A-8, page 69) even if he moves during the turn (before or after the shot).
Simulated games
Player 1 Player 2 State Winner Resume
1 Cadwallon-1 Akkyshan-1 Completed Akkyshan-1 Turn 2: Carrache kill the Suicide spider with 2 shoots.


The akkyshan are good for now, without magic spell. I modified the ogre slave because it had too many dice with the Dorsal Blade equipment and the War Fury ability, and I did not use it in this game.

Simulated games screens
Screen1 Screen2
Simulation N°1 - 1 - Turn 4
Simulation N°1 - 2 - Turn 4