Gall of the Possessed

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Yh-Karas firmly held his weapon, impatiently waiting for any opponent to finally dare confront him. Suddenly he blocked the saber of an Executioner who had attempted a pathetic ambush. With a single move the King lifted his weapon and his arm thus exposing the Akkylannian assassin's vital parts.

Gall of the Possessed

3 Darkness Managem darkness.png

Path: Corruption

Range: 10 cm

Difficulty: Target's DEF + 3

Duration: Until end of round

Area of Effect: One befriended figurine

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 2

A.P.: 9

Once cast successfully, the targeted fighter benefits from the Fencer ability until the end of the round for every Attack die obtained through a Counter-attack or the Ambidextrous ability. In no case can he make a Master Strike until the end of the round.

Moreover, the Strength of the Attacks thus obtained is increased by a number of points equal to the different between the beneficiary's Attack rate and the difficulty set for the Attack. An Attack's minimum difficulty is 0.